i want to create angular 4 project instead of 5.
my angular cli version 1.5.0
when i run this command to downgrade the version to angular cli 4
npm install -g angular-cli@1.4.9
I get the error
npm ERR! code ETARGET
npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for angular-cli@1.4.9
If you want to install this specific version of the angular cli you have to use this command:
npm install -g @angular/cli@1.4.9
Perhaps you have an other version currently installed on your system you should read this also.
The version of angular used in a project is determined by the version of angular cli installed.
any specific version of angular cli can be installed with the following command:
npm install --global @angular/cli@x.x.x
npm install --global @angular/cli@1.6.6
even if you have another version of angular cli (either newer or older) installed. That won't cause issues.
To install Angular 4:
- Open CMD
npm install -g @angular/cli@1.4.9
Check all the versions in below link:
npm angular cli versions