I am trying to get an id from URL but getting the null pointer exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'java.lang.String com.hex.encode.ID_Model$User.id' on a null object reference at com.hex.encode.Home$3.onResponse(Home.java:99)
and this is the code I am using to get the id:
private void GetID() {
Call<ID_Model> idcall = fetchdata.getIdService().getID(user_search);
idcall.enqueue(new Callback<ID_Model>() {
public void onResponse(@NonNull Call<ID_Model> call,@NonNull Response<ID_Model> response) {
assert response.body() != null;
String fetched_id =response.body().getUser().getId;//this is where the exception is poping
public void onFailure(@NonNull Call<ID_Model> call, @NonNull Throwable t) {
and below is the fetchdata class:
class fetchdata {
private static UserFetchData userdatafetch = null;
private static UserIDFetch fetchService = null;
static UserIDFetch getIdService() {
if (fetchService == null) {
String id_url = "url_and_it's_working";
Retrofit fetch_id = new Retrofit.Builder()
fetchService = fetch_id.create(UserIDFetch.class);
return fetchService;
public interface UserIDFetch{
Call<ID_Model> getID(@Path("user_input") String s);
Here is the Id_Model :
public class ID_Model {
public User user;
public User getUser() {
return user;
public class User {
public String id;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
Edit Here is the response from the API Server : https://justpaste.it/4gk8r