I am trying to exclude correlated variables from GLModel. Firstly, I calculate correlation matrix. Afterwards, I would like to implement it into combn function in some way to exclude the variables (column headers) that are correlated. At this point I fail - I am not able to incorporate it in combn function so that it worked and correlated variables were excluded.
Here is the link for data I use: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5IgiR_svnKcZkxHeTJXTm9jUjQ
Here is the code I am trying to make it work:
## rm(list = ls()) ## Edited out to prevent accidents
mod_data <- read.csv("mod_data.csv", header = T)
mod_headers <- names(mod_data[3:ncol(mod_data)-1])
CM = which(abs(cor(mod_data[,1:ncol(mod_data)-1])-diag(1,ncol(mod_data)-1)) > 0.5, arr.ind = T)
f <- function(){
null_model <- glm(newcol ~ 1, data=mod_data, family = binomial(link = "logit"), control = list(maxit = 50))
best_model <- null_model
best_aic <- AIC(null_model)
for(i in 1:length(mod_headers)){
tab <- combn(mod_headers,i)
for(j in 1:ncol(tab)){
tab_new <- c(tab[,j])
mod_tab_new <- c(tab_new, "newcol")
model <- glm(newcol ~., data=mod_data[c(mod_tab_new)], family = binomial(link = "logit"), control = list(maxit = 50000))
if(AIC(model) < best_aic){
best_model <- model
best_aic <- AIC(model)
Thanks for your tips!