Passing output of one test method to another metho

2019-01-15 14:42发布


I have to write the following unit test cases in testng:

  1. saveProductTest which would return productId if product details are saved successfully in DB.

  2. modifyProductTest, it should use previously saved productId as a parameter.

I am taking the product details input(PrdouctName, ReleaseDate) for saveProductTest and modifyProductTest method from an XML file using testNg data providers.Since productId is generated in save method, I have to pass it to the modify method.

What is the best way to pass output of one test method to another method in testng.


With all due respect to simendsjo, the fact that all tests should be independent from each other is a dogmatic approach that has a lot of exceptions.

Back to the original question: 1) use dependent methods and 2) store the intermediate result in a field (TestNG doesn't recreate your instances from scratch, so that field will retain its value).

For example

private int mResult;

public void f1() {
  mResult = ...

@Test(dependsOnMethods = "f1")
public void f2() {
  // use mResult


With the ITestContext object. It's a object available globally at the Suite context and disponible via parameter in each @Test.

For example:

public void test1(ITestContext context, Method method) throws Exception {
    // ...
    context.setAttribute(Constantes.LISTA_PEDIDOS, listPaisPedidos);
    // ...

public void test2(ITestContext context, Method method) throws Exception {
    List<PaisPedido> listPaisPedido = (List<PaisPedido>)
    // ...


Each unit test should be independent of other tests so you more easily can see what fails. You can have a helper method saving the product and returning the id and call this from both tests.

标签: java testng