
Enter value auto caps in editable-text using angul

2019-08-16 17:46发布


hi all i am using angularjs editable-text i am trying to do when i enter the in editable-text that value should be changed to uppercase while i typing but i am not able to get my need anyone can help

here i attached my fiddle :http://jsfiddle.net/ckosloski/NfPcH/19035/


add this in your controller

 $scope.convertToUpperCase = function(user){
        user.name = user.name.toUpperCase();

and call it on onshow

  <a href="#" editable-text="user.name" onshow="convertToUpperCase(user)">{{ user.name || 'empty' }}</a>

see this http://jsfiddle.net/NfPcH/19577/