Broadcasting message from ipcMain in electron

2019-08-16 16:57发布


I need to broadcast a message from main process of electron to all renderer processes. There is no send option for ipcMain, only an option to reply to the sender via event.sender.send().


You are looking for the webContents API. From the same page of documentation in your post:

It is also possible to send messages from the main process to the renderer process, see webContents.send for more information.

Here is the doc for webContents


You could make an array of windows, then iterate over them and send a message like this:

var windowsArr = [];

windowsArr[1] = new BrowserWindow({title: "Win 1"});
windowsArr[2] = new BrowserWindow({title: "Win 2"});

function broadcast (message) {
    for (var i = 1; i <= windowArr.length; i++) {
        windowArr[i].webContents.send('asynchronous-message', message);

标签: electron