In IOS5 on the iPad, iPad2 etc. iBooks accepted <input type="color">
as a way to prompt the keyboard to display when you clicked on an input field, to say, type in the answer to a question. I've just recently updated to IOS6, and this workaround no longer seems to be working. I tried using the JavaScript I found here -
<script type="text/javascript">
function iPadTouchHandler(event) {
var type = "",
button = 0; /*left*/
if (event.touches.length > 1)
switch (event.type) {
case "touchstart":
// OLD: On iPad2 clicking on a text input field did not show the keyboard
// if ($(event.changedTouches[0].target).is("select")) {
// NEW: Now on iPad2 the touchstart-Event on input fields is ignored and everything works fine
// change my by Roland Caspers, Scheer Management
if ($(event.changedTouches[0].target).is("select") || $(event.changedTouches[0].target).is("input")) {
iPadTouchStart(event); /*We need to trigger two events here to support one touch drag and drop*/
return false;
However this code seems to be outdated and relevant to IOS5. I know of a workaround, which is to put the page with the input into an iFrame, in that case you can just use <input type="text">, however I'd prefer to stay away from iFrames as they tend to move the content around depending on where the input box is. Any thoughts as to other possible solutions or workarounds? Tyvm :)