I've noticed that the ice:inputFile component will only upload files to the directory $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/MyAppName/upload/. I want this directory to be dependent on the user initials for the current user (i.e. user with initials abc wants to upload a file, the file goes to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/MyAppName/upload/abc/). How can I dynamically set this attribute?
As indicated in the reference guide http://www.icefaces.org/docs/v1_8_2/htmlguide/devguide/references5.html
web.xml file:
To specify the directory location where uploaded files are stored, the following parameter is used:
This parameter works in conjunction with the ice:inputFile component attribute "uniqueFolder" with four possible combinations as illustrated below:
Set Not Set
True /app-context/uploadDirectory/sessionid/ /app-context/sessionid/
False /app-context/uploadDirectory/ /app-context/
Note: The default upload directory specified via the configuration parameters above can be overridden on a per-instance basis via the uploadDirectory and uploadDirectoryAbsolute attributes on the ice:inputFile component.
Hope this helps!
Need to set the property uploadDirectory on the component, as such:
<ice:inputFile file="#{Bean.file}" uploadDirectory="./upload/#{Bean.userInitials}/"/>
This property is (currently) not mentioned in the JavaDoc for this component on the ICEFaces site.