We're having troubles authenticating on SpagoBI using KeyRock as authentication provider. We followed the guide here:
The redirection to KeyRock works, but after we enter the user credentials there is an error which says:
{"state": "None", "error": "invalid_redirect_uri"} (HTTP 400)
The configuration page in KeyRock looks like this:
keyrock screenshot
We've simply copied client id, secret and the other parameters required in the oauth2.config.properties.
Note: the default urls for the public instance of KeyRock were wrong, we had to add /oauth2 to make them work, probably they were prepared for a previous version of KeyRock.
EDIT 30-03-2016
Some more information:
- we're using the public instance of KeyRock
- we're using a private instance of SpagoBI deployed on our servers using the Docker container available in docker hub
- This is the the content of our oauth2.config.properties
CLIENT_ID = 123456 SECRET = 123456 REDIRECT_URI = TOKENS_URL = https://account.lab.fiware.org/api/v1/tokens.json APPLICATIONS_BASE_URL = https://account.lab.fiware.org/oauth2/applications/ AUTHORIZE_BASE_URL = https://account.lab.fiware.org/oauth2/authorize GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = https://account.lab.fiware.org/oauth2/token GET_USER_INFO_URL = https://account.lab.fiware.org/oauth2/user APPLICATION_NAME = SpagoBI ADMIN_EMAIL = fiwarelab@email ADMIN_PASSWORD = fiwarelab@password
- We've add the /oauth2/ part in the addresses, otherwhise we would get a 404 error on the redirect to KeyRock.