batch code to chnage folders name after read text

2019-08-16 09:22发布


Someone great in this site give me this code at batch change folder name by read line from text file

@echo off
pushd "your root location"  
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in (  
'findstr /srbc:"SMTP_Email_Address  *type=SZ  *[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]*  *SMTP_Email_Address" filel.txt^|sort /r'  
) do if exist "%%A" for %%F in ("%%A\..") do (  
  for /f "tokens=3" %%N in ("%%B") do ren "%%~fF" "%%N"  

the code find this code perfectly

SMTP_Email_Address type=SZ SMTP_Email_Address

I want the code find this

<SMTP_Email_Address type="SZ"></SMTP_Email_Address>

because of this signs > < "" the code not work

and change the folder name by the email found in the text file inside


i think i understand the question. you need to escape the special characters with the caret sign (^) e.g. replace

"SMTP_Email_Address  *type=SZ  *[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]*  *SMTP_Email_Address"


"^<SMTP_Email_Address  *type=^"SZ^"^>  *[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]*  *^<^/SMTP_Email_Address^>"


The following will work as long as the relevant line of XML is formatted exactly as you have specified. But that is risky, because the format of the XML could change and still be valid, yet it would break this code. Batch is not a good choice for parsing XML unless you know exactly how the XML will be formatted.

EDIT - this original code mostly worked, but it has 2 problems:

1) The sort operation can lead to the use of the wrong matching address line. It is supposed to use the first found matching line.

2) The script may attempt to rename the root location. Windows will not allow that because your batch script has its current directory set to that location.

@echo off
pushd "your root location"
for /f "tokens=1,3 delims=:<>" %%A in (
  'findstr /srbc:"<SMTP_Email_Address .*>[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]*</SMTP_Email_Address>" file1.txt^|sort /r'
) do if exist "%%A" for %%F in ("%%A\..") do ren "%%~fF" "%%B"

The code below has been fixed to properly use the first matching address line. It also will not attempt to rename the root location. But other renames could fail if any process currently has a dependency on that location.

@echo off
pushd "YourRootLocation"
set "search=<SMTP_Email_Address .*>[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]*</SMTP_Email_Address>"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%A in (
  'findstr /srmbc:"%search%" file1.txt^|sort /r'
) do for /f "tokens=2 delims=<>" %%B in (
  'findstr /rbc:"%search%" "%%A"'
) do if exist "%%A" for %%F in ("%%A\..") do if "%%~fF" neq "%CD%" (
  echo ren "%%~fF" "%%B"
  ren "%%~fF" "%%B"