At Where to put dispatch.Http.shutdown() I asked where to place the call to dispatch.Http.shutdown()
if there are n
independent Http calls. Those n
independent calls, however, are all on the same "level".
How about cascading Http calls, whereas outer1
and outer2
are independent of each other (like in my former question), the inner calls, however, depend on the result of the respective outer call.
val outer1 = dispatch.Http(... request1 ...)
val outer2 = dispatch.Http(... request2 ...)
outer1 onComplete {
case Success(h) =>
/*inner11*/ dispatch.Http(... request11 based on `h` ...) onComplete { ... }
/*inner12*/ dispatch.Http(... request12 based on `h` ...) onComplete { ... }
case Failure(e) => logger.debug(s"Error: $e")
outer2 onComplete {
case Success(j) =>
/*inner21*/ dispatch.Http(... request21 based on `j` ...) onComplete { ... }
/*inner22*/ dispatch.Http(... request22 based on `j` ...) onComplete { ... }
case Failure(e) => logger.debug(s"Error: $e")
dispatch.Future.sequence(outer1 :: outer2 :: Nil) onComplete {
case _ => dispatch.Http.shutdown() // <<<<< too early
Thanks, /nm
Update 1: Thanks to Kevin Wright, things are getting more clear. In the following I try to clarify why I need this cascading futures and the onComplete on the nested ones. Let's assume I want to get a list of URLs of all accessible GitHub repositories for an authenticated user:
object Main extends App with Logging {
def logFailure[T](f: Future[T]) =
f onFailure { case x => logger.debug("Error: " + x.toString) }
// Personal access token
val pat = "..."
// GitHub API
val github: Req = host("").secure
// Http executor
//val http = Http()
// User profile of authenticated user
val ur: Req = github / "user" <:< Map("Authorization" -> s"token $pat")
// Retrieve *all* accessible repositories for authenticated user
Http(ur OK as.json4s.Json) flatMap { u =>
// organizations' repos
val inner1 = (u \ "organizations_url").toOption collect { case JString(org) =>
Http(url(org) OK as.json4s.Json) flatMap { o =>
(o \ "repos_url").toOption collect { case JString(rep) =>
Http(url(rep) OK as.json4s.Json) map { _ \ "html_url" }
// user's repos
val inner2 = (u \ "repos_url").toOption collect { case JString(usr) =>
Http(url(usr) OK as.json4s.Json) map { _ \ "html_url" }
Then as soon as I have retrieved all the URLs I want to spawn a git clone
process for each.
Unfortunately inner1
does not yet type check. And still, if inner1: Option[Future[JValue]]
and inner2: Option[Future[JValue]]
, then Future.sequence(inner1 :: inner2 :: Nil)
does not type check.