I created a new custom plugin, that adds a new admin menu to show a list of events. When you click any given event, I want to send you to another page in my plugin that will then render information about this event. I can keep it simple and just use a query string parameter, so don't need to do a form POST, but I would be interested in that as well.
There are two pages:
- /my-plugin/reservation-management.php
- /my-plugin/reservation-management-details.php
My setup in the base page (reservation-management.php):
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'addReservationManagementMenuItem' );
function addReservationManagementMenuItem(){
add_menu_page('Reservation Management', 'Reservation Management', 'manage_options', 'reservation_management_slug', 'reservation_management_building_function','',3);
Inside my function to build out the first screen, I render some clickable links. To simplify:
function reservation_management_building_function(){
<h2>Clickable Link</h2>
<?php echo("<a href='reservation-management-details.php?id=$id'>Event</a>"); ?>
I just simplified the code, removed some loop logic, etc, but it works and renders out in a loop all of the events with a url of reservation-details.php?id=x where x is the unique post id of each event.
The thing is, this just sends me to a page not found. I even tried using things like get_admin_url() etc
I think I'm missing a fundamental step in how a custom plugin can post from one page to another all while still being within wp-admin.
How can I use an href to safely send the admin user to another admin page within my plugin directory?