I have 5 buttons, aligned in the right side of the view. I have a method, that takes the frame of the sender (the button), creates a UIImageView with that frame, removes sender from superview and add the imageView at that location, and it works EXCEPT that those constraints mess me up.
It seems like when i remove one of the buttons, it changes the size of all the others, and i cant explain why.
I would love to simply just remove the auto-layout feature, but i would like to make the app for both iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 screen sizes.
So what do i do here?
IN SHORT: I have 5 buttons on a view, a method creates a UIImageView with the sender buttons frame, remove button and add img view at that location. Works, but after changing 1 button the size of all the other buttons change. How to prevent this? i think it is because they are aligned to each other in "pairs".
// EDIT Images of my setup and the constraints, not sure which one is giving me problems but maybe the bottom one, since it is linked to the other buttons. i DONT want my buttons to change size if i programmatically remove one of them, and that is whats happening.