I know it's been asked a bunch of times but I can't seem to get the fixes I've read to solve my issue. I'm getting the SQL Server error that "the timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." I changed the setting under Tools>Options>Designers>"Override connection string time- out value" to 120 seconds as per this posting, but... it still times out after 30 seconds. I'm accessing the database from visual studio, working directly with it, and not with ado in client code. I'm open to suggestions... here's the query btw:
((SELECT dbo.LatestDateInDailyPricingVolBySymbol(tblSymbolsMain.Symbol) AS Expr1) < dbo.RecentTradingDateByNumber(5))
In a nutshell, the goal is to return all stock symbols from a main symbols table that don't have a daily pricing data point in the pricing table for at least 5 trading days.
As always thanks in advance..