Get rid of [Vue warn] in production mode error of

2019-08-16 01:37发布


I have set Vue.config.productionTip = false as its default to false. But when changing a v-model I receive the following error:

[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "name" found in the [path-to-the-.vue-file]

I have also checked the vue config file:

Ebrahims-MacBook-Pro:~ ebrahim$ vue config
Resolved path: /Users/ebrahim/.vuerc
 "useTaobaoRegistry": false

It has only useTaobaoRegistry option.

Even typing a character throws errors [Vue warn], how can I get rid of it?

标签: vue.js vuejs2