I user PayPal's Express Checkout API to make an parallel Payment. Everything works fine, on the payee site, the 2 payments are booked as "open".
While DoExpressCheckoutPayment I get an transaction id for each payment. But a doCapture fails with "You%20do%20not%20have%20permissions%20to%20make%20this%20API%20call". A single authorized payment that I made several weeks ago but have never captured gives me just "Order%20has%20expired%2e" - which is fine.
I use the following parameters for the NVP API:
$parameters = array("METHOD"=>"DoCapture",
when of course the variable are the corresponding values to each payment. (plus authentication/api credential).
What am I doing wrong? Is there an additional variable to set when I make a parallel instead of an single payment?
This is an example call and the response:
array(9) {
string(28) "2013%2d06%2d15T09%3a35%3a52Z"
string(12) "140dec053198"
string(7) "Failure"
string(6) "95%2e0"
string(7) "6444009"
string(5) "10007"
string(19) "Permission%20denied"
string(67) "You%20do%20not%20have%20permissions%20to%20make%20this%20API%20call"
string(5) "Error"