I'm working within the Django admin, and I've changed the form submissions to create a FormData object and then upload via ajax with jquery.
This works great when there aren't too many large files in the upload, but over a certain limit, I get hit with an Nginx (and possibly also uWSGI) errors that tell me my request object is too large. The obvious solution is to set this attribute higher (we've been told to expect regular uploads of 500MB - 2GB) but the team is wary about this causing issues on the server side, and I honestly have no idea whether or not sending a 1GB HttpRequest is a bad idea.
If there's no downside to upping the Nginx and uWSGI attributes, we'll go ahead and do that. If there are, I think my question becomes more about Django/javascript, and wondering what the best way of chunking this upload would be (by best, I hopefully mean having to rewrite the least amount of application code :) )
Thanks for the help! Robert