How to set external URL link to Magento admin menu

2019-08-15 18:34发布


I am working on a module where I have created one menu in Magento admin using adminhtml.xml.

Now I want to link one of the menu to an external URL and set target="blank". But I'm not sure how to do it in adminhtml.xml. Here is my code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <convert translate="title">
                        <importmagmi translate="title" module="importexport">
                            <title>MagMi Importer</title>
                            <action><url helper=""/></action>

When i am checking its adding current domain name before external url. ex:

I am wondering how to set only external URL ?


Inside <action> tag you can put module/controller/action of your module.

Then create this action and put something like this:

public function locationAction()

See Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action::_redirectUrl for the standard redirect implementation in Magento controller actions.


Unfortunately, this is not possible out of the box. For this to work you'd have to override Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Page_Menu class.

I'd suggest to modify the _buildMenuArray method to support a "external_url" config option in adminhtml.xml like so

if( $child->external_url ) {
    $menuArr['url'] = (string)$child->external_url;
    $menuArr['is_external'] = true;
elseif ($child->action) {
    $menuArr['url'] = $this->_url->getUrl((string)$child->action, array('_cache_secret_key' => true));
} else {
    $menuArr['url'] = '#';
    $menuArr['click'] = 'return false';

and getMenuLevelmethod respectively

$html .= '<li ' . (!empty($item['children']) ? 'onmouseover="Element.addClassName(this,\'over\')" '
            . 'onmouseout="Element.removeClassName(this,\'over\')"' : '') . ' class="'
            . (!$level && !empty($item['active']) ? ' active' : '') . ' '
            . (!empty($item['children']) ? ' parent' : '')
            . (!empty($level) && !empty($item['last']) ? ' last' : '')
            . ' level' . $level . '"> <a ' . ($item['is_external'] ? 'target="_blank" ' : '') . 'href="' . $item['url'] . '" '
            . (!empty($item['title']) ? 'title="' . $item['title'] . '"' : '') . ' '
            . (!empty($item['click']) ? 'onclick="' . $item['click'] . '"' : '') . ' class="'
            . ($level === 0 && !empty($item['active']) ? 'active' : '') . '"><span>'
            . $this->escapeHtml($item['label']) . '</span></a>' . PHP_EOL;

Then you can add to your configuration

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <convert translate="title">
                        <importmagmi translate="title" module="importexport">
                            <title>MagMi Importer</title>
                            <external_url></external_url>                                <sort_order>100</sort_order>

Remember to rewrite the class and do not modify the core class.


$url = '';

