Python/PyQT QString won't insert into MySQL da

2019-08-15 15:07发布


I am trying to trying to retrieve some values from a user using a QLineEdit widget. When a QPushButton raises a clicked event, I want the text to be retrieved from all QLineEdit widgets and stored in a local MySQL databaase. However, when I try to use string substition in the insert statement, the values don't get substituted. Here's my sql statement:

sql = 'INSERT INTO jobs (incident_id, organization, organization_poc, media_type) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (self.edi_IncidentID.text(), self.edi_OrganizationAffected.text(), self.edi_OrganizationContact.text(), self.edi_MediaType.text())

All of the self.edi_xxx variables are just QLineEdit widgets. When a button is pushed, the following is fired:

self.connect(btn_Submit, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.submitForm)  

All submit does is create a database object and write the values to the database. However, for debugging I print out the constructed SQL statement and this comes out: INSERT INTO jobs (incident_id, organization, organization_poc, media_type) VALUES ("", "", "", "").

I have also tried using the str() function to convert a QString to a string but the same thing happens.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)?


EDIT: Here is the complete code minus the imports:

class Database():
def __init__(self):
   self.db_host = "localhost"
   self.db_user = "***********"
   self.db_pass = "***********"
   self.db_name = "incidents"

def openConn(self):
   self.db = MySQLdb.connect(self.db_host, self.db_user, self.db_pass, self.db_name)

def closeConn(self):

def writeValues(self, sql):
   self.cursor = self.db.cursor()

class NewIncidentForm(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
    QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)

    self.setWindowTitle('New Incident')

    lbl_IncidentID = QtGui.QLabel('Incident ID:')
    lbl_MediaType = QtGui.QLabel('Media Type:')
    lbl_OrganizationAffected = QtGui.QLabel('Organization Affected:')
    lbl_OrganizationContact = QtGui.QLabel('Organization Point of Contact: ')

    self.edi_IncidentID = QtGui.QLineEdit()
    self.edi_MediaType = QtGui.QLineEdit()
    self.edi_OrganizationAffected = QtGui.QLineEdit()
    self.edi_OrganizationContact = QtGui.QLineEdit()

    btn_Submit = QtGui.QPushButton('Submit')

    grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()

    grid.addWidget(lbl_IncidentID, 1, 0)
    grid.addWidget(self.edi_IncidentID, 1, 1)

    grid.addWidget(lbl_MediaType, 3, 0)
    grid.addWidget(self.edi_MediaType, 3, 1)

    grid.addWidget(lbl_OrganizationAffected, 4, 0)
    grid.addWidget(self.edi_OrganizationAffected, 4, 1)

    grid.addWidget(lbl_OrganizationContact, 5, 0)
    grid.addWidget(self.edi_OrganizationContact, 5, 1)

    grid.addWidget(btn_Submit, 15, 0)

    self.sql = 'INSERT INTO jobs (incident_id, organization, organization_poc, media_type) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (self.edi_IncidentID.text(), self.edi_OrganizationAffected.text(), self.edi_OrganizationContact.text(), self.edi_MediaType.text())
    self.connect(btn_Submit, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.submitForm)        

    self.resize(350, 300)

def submitForm(self):
    db = Database()

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
qb = NewIncidentForm()


:D QString have __str__ functions so try this:

self.sql = 'INSERT INTO jobs (incident_id, organization, organization_poc, media_type) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (''.join(self.edi_IncidentID.text()), ''.join(self.edi_OrganizationAffected.text()), ''.join(self.edi_OrganizationContact.text()), ''.join(self.edi_MediaType.text()))

added ''.join()

Or QString have toUtf8()

so change self.edi_IncidentIS.text() to:


Whole instruction:

self.sql = 'INSERT INTO jobs (incident_id, organization, organization_poc, media_type) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (self.edi_IncidentID.text().toUtf8(), self.edi_OrganizationAffected.text().toUtf8(), self.edi_OrganizationContact.text().toUtf8(), self.edi_MediaType.text().toUtf8())


The reason is very simple:

self.sql should be in def submitForm(self):

not in def init(self, parent=None):

because otherweise it's void!


the other part that is missing for the program is the commit() function to have data stored or autocommit(true) at the begging of the script

def closeConn(self):

def submitForm(self):
db = Database()
self.sql = 'INSERT INTO jobs (incident_id, organization, organization_poc, media_type) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (self.edi_IncidentID.text(), self.edi_OrganizationAffected.text(), self.edi_OrganizationContact.text(), self.edi_MediaType.text())      