I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle a simple problem:
I have a simple LINQ join to two tables. I know how to return the type for one table, since it is the same as the generated dbml class. However, what if I want to return data from both tables- isn't there a way to return both and use their relationships? Do I really have to create another return type to return the data from both tables? FYI- I don't want to return an output parameter with the other table object; I'm also not really interested in returning an anonymous type. What is the best practice recommendation?
public IQueryable<Consumer_Question> GetQuestions(int subCategoryId)
//create DataContext
MototoolsDataContext mototoolsDataContext = new MototoolsDataContext();
mototoolsDataContext.Log = Console.Out;
var subcategoriestag = (from subCatTag in mototoolsDataContext.Consumer_SubCategoriesTags
join tagQuestion in mototoolsDataContext.Consumer_TagQuestions on subCatTag.TagID equals tagQuestion.TagID
join question in mototoolsDataContext.Consumer_Questions on tagQuestion.QuestionsID equals question.ID
where subCatTag.SubCategoriesID == subCategoryId
orderby subCatTag.ID descending
select question);
//select new { question, tagQuestion });
return subcategoriestag;
Thanks for any help,
If you have defined your relationships in the LINQ-to-SQL designer then your above query doesn't need the join syntax at all, simply 'walk the tree' as needed, e.g.:
var subCategoriesTag = (
from subCatTag in motoToolsDataContext
from tagQuestion in subCatTag.TagQuestions
from question in tagQuestion
where subCatTag.SubCategoriesID == subcategoryId
orderby subCatTag.ID descending
select question
Note that the 2nd and 3rd 'from' statements are using the object from the previous one, since LINQ-to-SQL should already know about the relationship.
Without knowing more about your relationships it's harder to give a more exact answer. I had to make some assumptions about what the related properties were.
Sounds to me like what you are looking for is DataLoadOptions.LoadWith<>. That way you return your Question object and the related objects are populated at the same time through the defined associations. Something like this:
public IQueryable<Consumer_Question> GetQuestions(int subCategoryId)
//create DataContext
using (MototoolsDataContext mototoolsDataContext = new MototoolsDataContext())
mototoolsDataContext.Log = Console.Out;
DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<Consumer_Questions>(q => q.Consumer_TagQuestions);
options.LoadWith<Consumer_TagQuestions>(tag => tag.Consumer_SubCategoriesTags);
mototoolsDataContext.LoadOptions = options;
var questions = (from subCatTag in mototoolsDataContext.Consumer_SubCategoriesTags
join tagQuestion in mototoolsDataContext.Consumer_TagQuestions on subCatTag.TagID equals tagQuestion.TagID
join question in mototoolsDataContext.Consumer_Questions on tagQuestion.QuestionsID equals question.ID
where subCatTag.SubCategoriesID == subCategoryId
orderby subCatTag.ID descending
select question);
//select new { question, tagQuestion });
return questions;