Sorting an Array of times in Classic ASP

2019-08-15 10:31发布


had to return to a old app I had build in Classic ASP and do a few changes, however one bit is stumping me.

I have a string such as:

 theTimings = "12:00-14:30,18:00-22:30,07:30-10:30"

I am turning this into an Array using


However I need to sort this Array so the earliest times appear first, i.e.


Anyone got any idea how to do this?


You want to sort an array, Classic VBScript ASP does not offer that. So you got 4 options: Use JScript, gather from .NET, convert the array to a dictionary and sort there or "roll your own algorithm" (a.k.a. find something on the net).

Sorry, I don't know which one would be optimal or faster, but if you go with VBScript, I advise using quick sort. Here's an implementation of it that's applicable with strings that I've adapted from somewhere:

Dim prt
prt = Array("this", "array", "organized", "is", "not")
arr_sort prt

Sub arr_sort (arr)
    Call QuickSort(arr, 0, ubound(arr, 1))
End Sub
Sub SwapRows (ary,row1,row2)
  Dim tempvar
  tempvar = ary(row1)
  ary(row1) = ary(row2)
  ary(row2) = tempvar
End Sub  'SwapRows
Sub QuickSort (vec,loBound,hiBound)
  '== Sort a 1 dimensional array                             ==
  '==                                                        ==
  '== This procedure is adapted from the algorithm given in: ==
  '==    ~ Data Abstractions & Structures using C++ by ~     ==
  '==    ~ Mark Headington and David Riley, pg. 586    ~     ==
  '== Quicksort is the fastest array sorting routine For     ==
  '== unordered arrays.  Its big O is  n log n               ==
  '==                                                        ==
  '== Parameters:                                            ==
  '== vec       - array to be sorted                         ==
  '== loBound and hiBound are simply the upper and lower     ==
  '==   bounds of the array's 1st dimension.  It's probably  ==
  '==   easiest to use the LBound and UBound functions to    ==
  '==   Set these.                                           ==

  Dim pivot,loSwap,hiSwap,temp,counter
  '== Two items to sort
  if hiBound - loBound = 1 then
    if vec(loBound) > vec(hiBound) then
      Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound)
    End If
  End If

  '== Three or more items to sort
    pivot = vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2))
    vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2)) = vec(loBound)
    vec(loBound) = pivot

  loSwap = loBound + 1
  hiSwap = hiBound
    '== Find the right loSwap
    while loSwap < hiSwap and vec(loSwap) <= pivot
      loSwap = loSwap + 1
    '== Find the right hiSwap
    while vec(hiSwap) > pivot
      hiSwap = hiSwap - 1
    '== Swap values if loSwap is less then hiSwap
    if loSwap < hiSwap then Call SwapRows(vec,loSwap,hiSwap)

  Loop While loSwap < hiSwap

    vec(loBound) = vec(hiSwap)
    vec(hiSwap) = pivot

  '== Recursively call function .. the beauty of Quicksort
    '== 2 or more items in first section
    if loBound < (hiSwap - 1) then Call QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiSwap-1)
    '== 2 or more items in second section
    if hiSwap + 1 < hibound then Call QuickSort(vec,hiSwap+1,hiBound)

End Sub  'QuickSort

And as a bonus, this is my "print_array", which I want to evolve into a fully working "print_r" someday:

public sub print_array (var)
    call print_r_depth(var, 0)
end sub
public sub print_r_depth (var, depth)
    if depth=0 then
        response.write("<pre>" & Tab(depth))
    end if
    if isarray(var) then
        response.write(Tab(depth) & " (<br />")
        dim x
        for x=0 to uBound(var)
            response.write(Tab(depth+1) & "("&x&")")
            call print_r_depth(var(x), depth+2) 
            response.write("<br />")
        response.write(Tab(depth) & ")")
    end if
    select case vartype(var)
    case VBEmpty: 'Uninitialized
    case VBNull: 'Contains no valid data
    case VBDataObject: 'Data access object
    case VBError:
    case VBArray:
    case VBObject:
    case VBVariant:
    case else:
        if vartype(var) < 16 then
            response.write(" => " & var)
            response.write(" - vartype:" & vartype(var) & " depth:" & depth)
        end if
    end select
    if depth=0 then response.write("</pre>") end if
end sub
public function Tab (spaces)
    dim val, x
    val = ""
    for x=1 to spaces
        val=val & "    "
    Tab = val
end function

标签: asp-classic