< measValue dn="Cabinet=0, Shelf=0, Card=2, Host=0">
< r p="1">1.42</r>
< r p="2">2.28</r>
< /measValue>
I want to match getAttribute("dn") with different patterns like
1> Host=0
# this is very easy
my solution:
if (getAttribute("dn")=~ /Host=0/)
2> Host=0 && Card=2
I can do it but I need to match it twice like
if (getAttribute("dn")=~ /Host=0/) && (getAttribute("dn")=~ /Card=2/)
Is there any better way to accomplice this match this second pattern? using LibXML
Have a try with:
if (getAttribute("dn")=~ /^(?=.*\bHost=0\b)(?=.*\bCard=2\b)/)
The word boundaries \b
are here to avoid matching myHost=01
and everything similar.
Your approach has the problem that getAttribute("dn") =~ /Card=2/
would also match a value of Card=25
which is probably not what you want.
I would first write a helper that converts a string with key/value pairs into a hash:
sub key_value_pairs_to_hash {
my $string = shift;
my %hash;
for my $pair (split(/\s*,\s*/, $string)) {
my ($key, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $pair, 2);
$hash{$key} = $value;
return \%hash;
Then you can test the values like this:
my $hash = key_value_pairs_to_hash('Cabinet=0, Shelf=0, Card=2, Host=0');
if ($hash->{Host} == 0 && $hash->{Card} == 2) {