I have implemented sql dependency in windows service. when data will be changed in table then onchange event will fire and from there I am invoking a web service.
I will share my full code. I tested many time on my PC before installing the windows service on production PC it works. Suppose if I install on production PC today then it works for today but when I test next day then its onchange event was not firing.
so I found onchange event firing only first day and from the next day onchange event not firing. May be I have made some mistake in code. so it is my request please some one see my code in details and help me where I have made the mistake for which it is not working properly.
public partial class PartIndexer : ServiceBase
static string connectionString = "server=xxx;uid=xxx;password=xxx;database=xxx;Pooling=true;Connect Timeout=20;";
SqlDependency dep;
public PartIndexer()
private string GetLoggedInUser()
string userName = "";
if (System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() != null)
userName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
return userName;
#region OnStart
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service OnStart called start", BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
MailSend(); // notification mail send
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service OnStart called end, logged in user " + GetLoggedInUser(), BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
#region RegisterNotification
/// <summary>
/// RegisterNotification
/// this is main routine which will monitor data change in ContentChangeLog table
/// </summary>
private void RegisterNotification()
string tmpdata = "";
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service RegisterNotification called start", BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT TestTable FROM [dbo].ContentChangeLog";
dep = new SqlDependency(cmd);
dep.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(OnDataChange);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
tmpdata = dr[0].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service RegisterNotification Error "+ex.Message.ToString(), BBALogger.MsgType.Error);
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service RegisterNotification called end", BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
#region OnDataChange
/// <summary>
/// OnDataChange
/// OnDataChange will fire when after data change found in ContentChangeLog table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void OnDataChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
((SqlDependency)sender).OnChange -= OnDataChange;
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service RegisterNotification called end", BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
if (e.Source == SqlNotificationSource.Timeout)
MailSend(); // notification mail send
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service SqlNotificationSource.Timeout error", BBALogger.MsgType.Error);
else if (e.Source != SqlNotificationSource.Data)
MailSend(); // notification mail send
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service SqlNotificationSource.Data", BBALogger.MsgType.Error);
else if (e.Type == SqlNotificationType.Change)
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service Data changed", BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
BBALogger.Write(string.Format("Ignored change notification {0}/{1} ({2})", e.Type, e.Info, e.Source), BBALogger.MsgType.Warnings);
#region StartIndex
/// <summary>
/// StartIndex
/// this routine will call web service in bba reman website which will invoke routine to re-index data
/// </summary>
void StartIndex()
// calling web service if change is notified
#region MailSend
/// <summary>
/// MailNotify
/// fire mail when apps start & exit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strStatus"></param>
void MailSend()
// mail send code
#region OnStop
protected override void OnStop()
BBALogger.Write("PartIndexer Service StartIndex called end, logged in user " + GetLoggedInUser(), BBALogger.MsgType.Info);
Another issue I noticed that when I start my windows service and leave it run for one day then when I try to stop or restart the the windows service then I windows service cannot be stopped. It means definitely there is some flaw in my code which I am not being able to point out. so please help me. thanks