I am creating a like function for pictures on an Ionic app.
I can return a like count and true or false for if the request was to like or unlike a photo.
I have a function on my photos which calls a post action in my controller (the on double tap)
<div ng-repeat="update in updates" class="custom-card">
<div ng-show="{{update.image}}" class="image">
<img on-double-tap="likeUpdate({{update.data.id}})" class="full-image" ng-src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/buildsanctuary/images/{{update.image.name}}" imageonload>
<div class="action-bar">
<div class="left">
<i ng-class="liked ? 'ion-ios-heart red' : 'ion-ios-heart-outline'"></i><span>like</span>
If this was a single update shown, I would simple update the 'update' scope and it would work. But I have a list of photo's shown and the user can double tap on anyone. What I need is to be able to update the scope of updates but only for a single update and not the whole lot.
My function in controller:
$scope.likeUpdate = function(update_id) {
$http.post( $rootScope.apiURL + 'likeupdate', {
update_id : update_id,
user_id : $rootScope.currentUser.id
}).success(function(update, response){
// update the specific ng repeat item scope?
Is there an angular way for this?