So I asked this question in a C# context and I have set bounty over there.
I have written an equivalent fragment of C++ code (to be housed within an ATL DLL project) to tap C++ developers experience as well.
IDispatch has a method called GetTypeInfo() with which one can acquire a pointer to ITypeInfo. ITypeInfo itself has a method called GetContainingTypeLib which gets the containing ITypeLib (as it says). This is useful when given a CoClass instance once can get to all the other CoClasses in a given DLL, very useful for reflection.
I had wondered if Excel VBA would co-operate in a similar fashion and return a ITypeLib for the containing VBA project and equally allow me to iterate over all the types found therein. So I wrote some test C# code and that is linked. Here I give equivalent C++ code to tap C++ experience.
The IDL...
interface ICoClassGetContainingTypeLib : IDispatch
HRESULT GetContainingTypeLib(IDispatch* vbaClass, IUnknown** iunkTypeLib);
coclass CoClassGetContainingTypeLib
[default] interface ICoClassGetContainingTypeLib;
The cpp method implementation
STDMETHODIMP CCoClassGetContainingTypeLib::GetContainingTypeLib(IDispatch* vbaClass, IUnknown** iunkTypeLib)
CComPtr<IDispatch> itfDispatch(vbaClass);
CComPtr<ITypeInfo> pITypeInfo;
hr = itfDispatch->GetTypeInfo(0, 0, &pITypeInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
UINT* idx(0);
CComQIPtr<ITypeLib> pTLib;
HRESULT hr2 = pITypeInfo->GetContainingTypeLib(&pTLib, idx);
return hr2; // throws exception Exception 0x800A88C1
// which ends u[p at 35009
//TODO If successful copy to ByRef param iunkTypeLib
catch (std::exception ex)
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
And the header declaration
STDMETHOD(GetContainingTypeLib)(IDispatch* vbaClass, IUnknown** iunkTypeLib);
And some client VBA
Sub TestGetContainingTypeLib()
Dim oTR As ToolsReferences '* could be ANY VBA class
Set oTR = New ToolsReferences '* could be ANY VBA class
'* instantiate my ATL project
Dim oTest As GetContainingTypeLibTestLib.CoClassGetContainingTypeLib
Set oTest = New GetContainingTypeLibTestLib.CoClassGetContainingTypeLib
Dim iunkTypeLib As IUnknown
Set iunkTypeLib = Nothing '* not strictly required
Call oTest.GetContainingTypeLib(oTR, iunkTypeLib)
End Sub
There is very little on the Internet to explain the exception number of 0x800A88C1 . I think this the Excel team saying no.