Found the solution, see bellow*
I'm trying to execute a stored function, via SimpleJdbcCall (using java + jpa) but I can't execute, it shows:
[Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException:
CallableStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [{? = call PK_BACKOFFICE.SET_PROFESSIONAL(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}];
SQL state [null]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type] with root cause
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type
Here's my code:
dataSource = this.getDataSource();
SimpleJdbcCall caller = new SimpleJdbcCall(dataSource)
new SqlOutParameter("result",OracleTypes.BOOLEAN),
new SqlParameter("i_id_institution",
new SqlParameter("i_id_prof", OracleTypes.NUMERIC),
new SqlParameter("i_first_name", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlParameter("i_nick_name", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlParameter("i_gender", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlParameter("i_id_category", OracleTypes.NUMERIC),
new SqlParameter("i_id_lang", OracleTypes.NUMERIC),
new SqlParameter("i_flg_state", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlParameter("i_commit_at_end", OracleTypes.BOOLEAN),
new SqlOutParameter("o_id_prof", OracleTypes.INTEGER),
new SqlOutParameter("o_error", OracleTypes.STRUCT, "T_ERROR_OUT"));
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource()
.addValue("i_id_institution", 2790)
.addValue("i_id_prof", 7020000363724L)
.addValue("i_first_name", "teste")
.addValue("i_nick_name", "nicknameteste")
.addValue("i_gender", "f").addValue("i_id_category", 20)
.addValue("i_id_lang", 1).addValue("i_flg_state", "A")
.addValue("i_commit_at_end", true);
Integer res = caller.executeFunction(Integer.class, params);
Map out = caller.execute(params);
int idprof = (int) out.get("o_id_prof"); //getting out parameter?
// para obter o erro - caso haja
// (com.alert.core.plsql.types.TErrorOutType)__sJT_st.getORAData(35,com.alert.core.plsql.types.TErrorOutType.getORADataFactory());
return res;
I realized the problem is sending/receiving Booleans to the function.. I also found out this is a problem of jdbc drivers... There isn't the option to edit the type in the BD, so I really need to find a way to send/receive booleans.
..Any suggestions?