
Studio emulator not receiving Bluemix push message

2019-08-15 05:18发布


Now that I see the sample (android) application is registered for Bluemix-PUSH notifications.I have configured the Bluemix Application's info (APP ROUTE, APP UID)

I am using a Bluemix app from ----https://github.com/ibm-bluemix-mobile-services/bms-samples-android-hellopush. I have pulled this project, and built it with the proper dependency gradle settings.

But the problem is that I can not see the Push message sent from the Bluemix app on the emulator's push-registered Android App. Also I could not see an error in log files.

Are there any other ports that need to be opened on Secured bank Network in order to receive pushes from Bluemix?

I am using Android Studio 1.5.1, JDK 1.7 and Emulator - API 19 (With Google API enabled).

I built the sample application using Android API 23.0

What should we check on PUSH notifications on studio's emulator?


If there are no errors anywhere, chances are that your Google app credentials have been configured using the incorrect API key.

Ensure that you have created a Server Key and not an Android Key