I'm not quite sure I understand what's going on when I try testing post HttpRequest. Here's the code of my class that does the job:
import 'dart:html';
class HttpReportAdapter {
var logmaster;
int log_level = 2;
String url;
HttpReportAdapter(this.url) {}
post(r, level) {
var data = {
'message' : r,
'log_level' : log_level.toString(),
if(this.logmaster != null)
data['log_level_string'] = this.logmaster.log_level_as_string(level);
return HttpRequest.postFormData(this.url, data);
An here's the test code:
import '../lib/report_adapters/http_report_adapter.dart';
import "package:test/test.dart";
void main() {
var adapter;
setUp(() {
adapter = new HttpReportAdapter("http://localhost:4567/errors");
test("sends an ajax request and acknowledges a 200 response from the server", () {
adapter.post("message", 2).then((_) => print("!!!!!!!!!"));
For now, as you can see, I'm not even trying to test anything, just output something. While running this, the request does indeed to to http://localhost:4567/errors
and I can see it in my server's logs.
However, the !!!!!!!!
isn't printed.
Additionally, the test fails with:
This test failed after it had already completed. Make sure to use
[expectAsync] or the [completes] matcher when testing async code.
However, if I force my server to sleep for 1 second before sending a response, the test passes without an error.
I would appreciate if someone would help me make some sense of it all, and, consequently, write the correct test.