I have a problem that I am unable to address. I am accessing a website through vba and want to get pricing for a part number. The code works great when I step through it, but does not work in real time.
What I am trying to say is when execute code line by line by pressing F8 key on every line the code executes fine, but I when I ask it to execute by pressing F5 the code errors on
Debug.Print "InnerHTML" & vbNewLine & ElementList.innerHTML
with error code 424, object required since Set ElementList = HTMLDoc.getElementById("Prce")
is returning an empty object.
My Code
Sub GetPricingFromWeb()
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Dim HTMLDoc As IHTMLDocument
Dim Elements As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Element As IHTMLElement, ElementList As IHTMLElement
Dim ElementTable As IHTMLTable
Dim incrRow As Long, incrCol As Long, LoopBReak As Long
Dim URL As String, strPN As String
strPN = "91731A049"
URL = "http://www.mcmaster.com/#" & strPN
Debug.Print "URL = " & URL
Set IE = New InternetExplorer
With IE
.navigate URL
.Visible = False
'Waiting till page loads
Do While .readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Debug.Print "Waiting on IE" & Time
End With
Set HTMLDoc = IE.Document
'Wait till document load is complete
Do While HTMLDoc.readyState <> "complete"
Debug.Print "Waiting on document" & Time
If Not HTMLDoc Is Nothing Then
Set ElementList = HTMLDoc.getElementById("Prce") ' <-- error code 424, object required
Debug.Print "InnerHTML" & vbNewLine & ElementList.innerHTML
End If
If Not ElementList Is Nothing Then
Set Elements = ElementList.Children
Debug.Print "Number of elements " & Elements.Length
GoTo SkipProcedure
End If
For Each Element In Elements
Debug.Print "Element Class name = " & Element.className
If Element.className = "PrceTierTbl" Then
Set ElementTable = Element
If Not ElementTable Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "ElementTableRows"
For incrRow = 0 To ElementTable.Rows.Length - 1
For incrCol = 0 To ElementTable.Rows(incrRow).Cells.Length - 1
Debug.Print "InnerText @ (" & incrRow & "," & incrCol & ") = " & ElementTable.Rows(incrRow).Cells(incrCol).innerText
Next incrCol
Next incrRow
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "nothing happened"
End Sub
Result of code should be The result should be this when you step through using F8 key.
URL = http://www.mcmaster.com/#91731A049
<table class="PrceTierTbl"><tbody><tr><td class="PrceTierQtyCol" data-mcm-prce-lvl="1">1-9 Each</td><td class="InLnOrdWebPartLayoutExpdView_prceLvlCell PrceTierPrceCol" data-mcm-prce-lvl="1">$3.22</td></tr><tr><td >class="PrceTierQtyCol" data-mcm-prce-lvl="2">10 or more</td><td class="InLnOrdWebPartLayoutExpdView_prceLvlCell PrceTierPrceCol" data-mcm-prce-lvl="2">$2.56</td></tr></tbody></table>
Number of elements 1
Element Class name = PrceTierTbl
InnerText @ (0,0) = 1-9 Each
InnerText @ (0,1) = $3.22
InnerText @ (1,0) = 10 or more
InnerText @ (1,1) = $2.56