I am Capturing image from a finger print Scanner and i want to display the captured image live in an Image control.
//Onclick of a Button
Thread WorkerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CaptureThread));
So i created a thread as above and called the method that captures the image from the device and sets the source of the Image control as follows.
private void CaptureThread()
m_bScanning = true;
while (!m_bCancelOperation)
if (m_Frame != null)
MyBitmapFile myFile = new MyBitmapFile(m_hDevice.ImageSize.Width, m_hDevice.ImageSize.Height, m_Frame);
MemoryStream BmpStream = new MemoryStream(myFile.BitmatFileData);
var imageSource = new BitmapImage();
imageSource.StreamSource = BmpStream;
if (imgLivePic.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
imgLivePic.Source = imageSource;
Action act = () => { imgLivePic.Source = imageSource; };
m_bScanning = false;
Now when i Run the project it throws an Exception on line Action act = () => { imgLivePic.Source = imageSource; };
Saying "The Calling thread Can Not Access this object because a different thread owns it".
i did some research and i found out that if i want to use UI controls over a NON-UI thread i should use Dispatcher.Invoke method, which as you can see i have but i am still getting the same exception.
can someone please tell me what am i doing wrong?