I'm trying to return structure so I can use it in Python. I am beginner programmer so please explain me what am I doing wrong. I've succeeded to return simple ctypes earlier (bool, unsigned int) but struct is too complicated for me. This is what I have:
#define DLLAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
DLLAPI myStruct* DLLApiGetStruct();
EDIT1: instead of TString, struct members type is wchar_t* now, but error I get is the same
typedef struct myStruct{
wchar_t* id;
wchar_t* content;
wchar_t* message;
} myStruct;
DLLAPI myStruct* DLLApiGetStruct(){
myStruct* test = new myStruct();
test->id = _T("some id");
test->content = _T("some content");
test->message = _T("some message");
return test;
here is my Python code:
class TestStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("id", c_wchar_p),
("content", c_wchar_p),
("message", c_wchar_p)
class SomeClass(object):
def test(self):
myDLL = cdll.LoadLibrary('myDLL.dll')
myDLL.DLLApiGetStruct.restype = TestStruct
result = myDLL.DLLApiGetStruct()
print "result type: ", type(result)
print "-"*30
print "result: ",result
print "-"*30
print result.id # line 152
this is what I get:
result type: <class 'Foo.TestStruct'>
result: <Foo.TestStruct object at 0x027E1210>
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 152, in test
print result.id
ValueError: invalid string pointer 0x00000002
TString I've used is std::wstring
Should type in myStruct be pointers or something instead TString? Please help me, I've spend 5 days trying to make this work.