Passing an “in” list via stored procedure [duplica

2019-01-15 12:24发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values 6 answers

How can I construct a stored procedure that will allow me to pass (for example) an @IDList so that I can write:

Select * from Foo Where ID in @IDList

Is this doable?


see this answer...

T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values


With SQL2005 and above you can send an array from code directly.

First create a custom type

CREATE TYPE Array AS table (Item varchar(MAX))

Than the stored procedure.

    @array AS Array READONLY
    Select * from Foo Where ID in (SELECT Item FROM @array)

Then call from code passing in a DataTable as the array

DataTable items = new DataTable();
items.Columns.Add( "Item", typeof( string ) );

DataRow row = items.NewRow();
row.SetField<string>( "Item", <item to add> );
items.Rows.Add( row );

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( "sp_TakeArray", connection );
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter param = command.Parameters.Add( "@Array", SqlDbType.Structured );
param.Value = items;
param.TypeName = "dbo.Array";

SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();


Write the individual IDs to table B, all with the same "key" (a GUID perhaps).
Then, your query against table A would include

where ID in (select ID from B where key = @TempKey)

(You might then delete the keys if you are finished with them. Or, timestamp them and have a sql job do it later.)


  • You don't send a string, which could expose you to sql injection in some circumstances.
  • Depending on your other app logic, you don't have to track or write the possibilities all at once.


  • It could be extremely inefficient, especially under heavy loads.