I have a map of the US with markers for stores in each state and currently when you hover over each marker, the name and address of that store shows up. I used a json file (us.json) to get the states coordinates and boundaries. The second json file (newstorelocations.json) contains information about each store and it's location which I used to display the markers. I used a tooltip for this.
What I currently have is at: http://bl.ocks.org/binishbaig/3969ec74b485d1021034
gist: https://gist.github.com/binishbaig/3969ec74b485d1021034
I have a third json file (newstorespend.json) that contains products and amount spent for each store. The variable StoreDescription exists in both the second and third json file. Any clue how can I make a simple vertical bar chart displaying amount and product for each store location when you hover over each marker? I am totally new to d3.js so I am guessing I would have to write a separate function creating the chart in a separate file, and then pass it into that variable d in the mouseover function but that's purely a guess. I did make a bar chart out of the data from the third file but how do I make individual bar charts for each store and show it when the mouse hovers over the corresponding store marker.
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!