I've been trying to use PyInstaller on my program, scratch_1.py. The PyCharm project folder is called "idigen", which is saved in my desktop. So, I changed the director like so:
cd /Users/joelsaarinen/Desktop/idigen
then, moved on to use pyinstaller, and I get this error:
pyinstaller scratch_1.py
-bash: pyinstaller: command not found
I'm confused because when I use:
pip show pyinstaller
to verify that I have pyinstaller installed, it returns a positive result.
Is there an additional command I should be putting in when using Pyinstaller on one of my files? Might this be an issue with this specific program or the operating system in general? Thanks in advance.
pyinstaller appears to have installed correctly, but the command is not available on PATH. You need to locate where the executable was placed.`below to find executables
set | grep pyinstaller
now modify path by this
export PATH=some_path:another_path
launchctl setenv PATH $PATH
I just downloaded the source code of pyInstaller from official website, put it where I can find it and wrote a script which launches pyinstaller.py
from that folder.
For some reason, pyinstaller.py
is missing in the pyInstaller installation downloaded via pip
This is a common problem due to the fact that you might install a different version of python and keep using an old version that is preinstalled in the machine. Here is the best solution.
First, check the version of the python that you installed. In my case, i installed python 3.5 and the machine had python2.7. If you run python
on the terminal, most likely the preinstalled one is the one that will run.
Second, check the directory of your desired python version. watch -a python3
is the command to run to see your directory.
Third, set the directory as the main one to run your python commands.
alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3
does the whole trick
Lastly, reinstall pip. Download the get-pip.py file and run sudo /usr/local/bin/python3 get-pip.py
* I used the path to show the reason we updated the alias*
Now you can run pyinstaller
without problems