I was hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction, or give an example on how I can put the following script output into an Excel spreadsheet using xlwt. My script prints out the following text on screen as required, however I was hoping to put this output into an Excel into two columns of time and value. Here's the printed output..
07:16:33.354 1
07:16:33.359 1
07:16:33.364 1
07:16:33.368 1
My script so far is below.
import re
f = open("C:\Results\16.txt", "r")
searchlines = f.readlines()
searchstrings = ['Indicator']
timestampline = None
timestamp = None
a = 0
tot = 0
while a<len(searchstrings):
for i, line in enumerate(searchlines):
for word in searchstrings:
if word in line:
timestampline = searchlines[i-33]
for l in searchlines[i:i+1]: #print timestampline,l,
for i in line:
str = timestampline
match = re.search(r'\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}', str)
if match:
value = line.split()
print '\t',match.group(),'\t',value[5],
tot = tot+1
print 'total count for', '"',searchstrings[a],'"', 'is', tot
tot = 0
a = a+1
I have had a few goes using xlwt or CSV writer, but each time i hit a wall and revert bact to my above script and try again. I am hoping to print match.group() and value[5] into two different columns on an Excel worksheet.
Thanks for your time...
What kind of problems do you have with xlwt? Personally, I find it very easy to use, remembering basic workflow:
import xlwt
create your spreadsheet using eg.
which returns you spreadsheet handle to use for adding sheets and saving whole file
add a sheet to created spreadsheet with eg.
my_sheet=my_xls.add_sheet("sheet name")
now, having sheet object, you can write on it's cells using sheet_name.write(row,column, value):
my_sheet.write(0,0,"First column title")
my sheet.write(0,1,"Second column title")
Save whole thing using spreadsheet.save('file_name.xls')
It's a simplest of working examples; your code should of course use sheet.write(row,column,value) within loop printing data, let it be eg.:
import re
import xlwt
f = open("C:\Results\VAMOS_RxQual_Build_Update_Fri_04-11.08-16.txt", "r")
searchlines = f.readlines()
searchstrings = ['TSC Set 2 Indicator']
timestampline = None
timestamp = None
a = 0
tot = 0
my_xls=xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8") # begin your whole mighty xls thing
my_sheet=my_xls.add_sheet("Results") # add a sheet to it
row_num=0 # let it be current row number
my_sheet.write(row_num,0,"match.group()") # here go column headers,
my_sheet.write(row_num,1,"value[5]") # change it to your needs
row_num+=1 # let's change to next row
while a<len(searchstrings):
for i, line in enumerate(searchlines):
for word in searchstrings:
if word in line:
timestampline = searchlines[i-33]
for l in searchlines[i:i+1]: #print timestampline,l,
for i in line:
str = timestampline
match = re.search(r'\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}', str)
if match:
value = line.split()
print '\t',match.group(),'\t',value[5],
# here goes cell writing:
# and that's it...
tot = tot+1
print 'total count for', '"',searchstrings[a],'"', 'is', tot
tot = 0
a = a+1
# don't forget to save your file!
A catch:
- native date/time data writing to xls was a nightmare to me, as excel
internally doesn't store date/time data (nor I couldn't figure it
- be careful about data types you're writing into cells. For simple reporting at the begining it's enough to pass everything as a string,
later you should find xlwt documentation quite useful.
Happy XLWTing!