
Implement custom “ValidateUser” in MembershipProvi

2019-08-14 19:28发布


I am implementing a custom MembershipProvider and I am trying to get the ValidateUser method to validate against my Profiles table in SQL Server. This table has columns called UserName and Password.

public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
    ??? what to do here???

FYI, I am using MVC3 & EF 4.1 Code First.




If you're using EF 4.1, you will have some kind of a DbContext object that contains the DbSet for your Profiles table - right?

So in that case, use this:

public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
    using(DbContext yourCtx = new DbContext())
        // from your "Profiles" DbSet, retrieve that single entry which
        // matches the username/password being passed in

        var profile = (from p in yourCtx.Profiles
                      where p.UserName == username && p.Password == password
                      select p).SingleOrDefault();

        // if that query returns a "Profile" (is != null), then your
        // username/password combo is valid - otherwise, it's not valid
        return (profile != null);