Filter on annotation - SPARQL

2019-08-14 17:52发布


I want to query my ontology based on annotations with datatype of float and string. For instance I have an individual that has an annotation "EBC_value" of type float and an annotation "Label" of type String.

How do I do this? I have tried with REGEX, like this, but it doesn´t work. I don´t get any errors, just no results.

PREFIX ont: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

SELECT  ?title
WHERE   { ?x ont:title ?title
          FILTER regex(?title, "Sack") 

Hope you guys can help. Thanks.And yeah, unless you want to see and test the entire ontology, the code for the annotations are like this:

<NamedIndividual rdf:about="&beer;Base_malt_-_Best_Malz">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="&beer;Light"/>
    <beer:EBC_value rdf:datatype="&xsd;float"></beer:EBC_value>
    <beer:Label rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Sack</beer:Label>


Your query bears no relation to your data which is why you get no results.

Firstly the ont:title property that your query references does not appear to exist in your data.

Secondly your namespaces don't appear to align, I assume the ont namespace in your query is supposed to be the same namespace as the beer namespace in your RDF/XML but you haven't shown the namespaces so I can only guess at this. Even though namespaces are mostly a convenience mechanism it's best to be consistent with your use of prefixes because it'll make things a lot less confusing.

Thirdly there should be absolutely no need to use REGEX() you simply need to use an appropriate graph pattern:

PREFIX beer: <>

  ?x beer:Label "Sack" .

Since beer:Label is a property you can access it directly in your query. This will find you all individuals where the beer:Label property has the value Sack, if you want to do a partial match on the search string you can always use the CONTAINS() function which will be faster than REGEX():

PREFIX beer: <>

  ?x beer:Label ?label .
  FILTER(CONTAINS(?label, "Sack"))

This will find all individuals where there is a beer:Label and it contains the value Sack


To answer your comment, matching typed values requires you to know what the type of the values are, assuming you are using xsd:float then you'd query like the following:

PREFIX beer: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

  ?x beer:EBC_value "4.8"^^xsd:float .