I have a problem. I become the error in the headline. I have a signed certificate from a recognized company. Now I want to create a second certificate.
I created the key with
openssl genrsa -des3 -out example.abc.key
then the CSR-File with
openssl req -new -key example.abc.key -out example.abc.csr
and removed the passphrase with
openssl rsa -in example.abc.key -out example.abc.key
Now I created the certificate signed by the other certificate I become from the recognized company with
openssl x509 -req -in example.abc.csr -CA signed.certificate.crt -CAkey signed.certificate.key -out example.abc.crt
After all, I create the PKCS12-File
openssl pkcs12 -export -in example.abc.crt -inkey example.abc.key -name "Example Client" -out example.abc.p12
If I call the website the webserver ask the client to identify and I can selected the imported certificate. The error in the headline appears and I didn't know how to solve it. I'm frustrated, because I googled, but didn't find anything which helps.