I have String time="02:30 PM"
means 12 hour format and i want to convert this time in 24 hour format .
I want this o/p: 14:30
. so how can i convert this ?
I have String time="02:30 PM"
means 12 hour format and i want to convert this time in 24 hour format .
I want this o/p: 14:30
. so how can i convert this ?
I don't know anything about berries, but in case the API is missing a proper formatting function, you can always get your hands dirty with the string itself:
static String convert(String time){
boolean pm = "PM".equals(time.substring(6).toUpperCase());
int h = Integer.valueOf(time.substring(0,2));
if (h!=12)
return ((h<10)?"0":"")+h + ":" + time.substring(3,5);
Try this code.
This will give the current time in 24 Hours format.
SimpleDateFormat formate = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
String newTime = formate.formatLocal(System.currentTimeMillis());