I am currently using the function below to return the nearest date from a list of dates to a date(today). My problem is, the function returns the closest date regardless of it being the past or the future of todays date. How can I change this code so there is an option to return the nearest date AFTER today and the nearest date BEFORE today? It's confusing the hell out of me.
Thanks a lot for your input.
Function GetNearestDate(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of DateTime), ByVal target As DateTime) As DateTime
Dim result As DateTime = Nothing
Dim lowestDifference = TimeSpan.MaxValue
For Each _date As DateTime In source
If _date >= target Then
Continue For
End If
Dim difference = target - _date
If difference < lowestDifference Then
lowestDifference = difference
result = _date
End If
Return result
End Function
Seems like this is what you are looking for. you simply need to be able to pass something in to the function so it knows what you want. I chose an enum for explicitness. I also updated it to pass back a nullable date. This should correct your time issues, but you'll need to account for null returned values.
Public Enum DateCompare
End Enum
Public Function GetNearestDate(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of DateTime), _
ByVal target As DateTime, _
ByVal dt As DateCompare) As Nullable(Of DateTime)
Dim result As Nullable(Of DateTime) = Nothing
Dim lowestDifference As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.MaxValue
Dim difference As TimeSpan
For Each _date As DateTime In source
If dt = DateCompare.LessThanEqualTo And _date > target Then
Continue For
ElseIf dt = DateCompare.GreaterThanEqualTo And _date < target Then
Continue For
End If
If target > _date Then
difference = target - _date
difference = _date - target
End If
If difference < lowestDifference Then
lowestDifference = difference
result = _date
End If
Return result
End Function
Hope you can convert this to VB.Net. The idea is to sort the date, then find the index of the given date, then the previous date and the next date in the collection is the nearest in the past and future respectively
find nearest date after
string findNearestAfter(List<DateTime> ld, DateTime t)
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ld.Count; i++ )
if (ld[i] == t)
index = i;
string nearest = "";
if (index < ld.Count)
nearest = ld[index + 1].ToString();
return nearest;
find nearest date before
string findNearestBefore(List<DateTime> ld, DateTime t)
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ld.Count; i++ )
if (ld[i] == t)
index = i;
string nearest = "";
if (index > 0)
nearest = ld[index - 1].ToString();
return nearest;
From the Image above, pick any date, the previous and next are the nearest dates. Note the dates are sorted. For example, picking 15 of August, then nearest future date is 21 and the nearest past date is 12