I've done some reading about jQuery noConflict mode, and am still struggling with it a bit. I've got some code to function properly in noConflict mode, but have been unable to get the following to follow suit:
$.fn.infiniteCarousel = function () {
function repeat(str, num) {
return new Array( num + 1 ).join( str );
return this.each(function () {
var $wrapper = $('> div', this).css('overflow', 'hidden'),
$slider = $wrapper.find('> ul'),
$items = $slider.find('> li'),
$single = $items.filter(':first'),
singleWidth = $single.outerWidth(),
visible = Math.ceil($wrapper.innerWidth() / singleWidth), // note: doesn't include padding or border
currentPage = 1,
pages = Math.ceil($items.length / visible);
// 1. Pad so that 'visible' number will always be seen, otherwise create empty items
if (($items.length % visible) != 0) {
$slider.append(repeat('<li class="empty" />', visible - ($items.length % visible)));
$items = $slider.find('> li');
// 2. Top and tail the list with 'visible' number of items, top has the last section, and tail has the first
$items.filter(':first').before($items.slice(- visible).clone().addClass('cloned'));
$items.filter(':last').after($items.slice(0, visible).clone().addClass('cloned'));
$items = $slider.find('> li'); // reselect
// 3. Set the left position to the first 'real' item
$wrapper.scrollLeft(singleWidth * visible);
// 4. paging function
function gotoPage(page) {
var dir = page < currentPage ? -1 : 1,
n = Math.abs(currentPage - page),
left = singleWidth * dir * visible * n;
scrollLeft : '+=' + left
}, 500, function () {
if (page == 0) {
$wrapper.scrollLeft(singleWidth * visible * pages);
page = pages;
} else if (page > pages) {
$wrapper.scrollLeft(singleWidth * visible);
// reset back to start position
page = 1;
currentPage = page;
return false;
$wrapper.after('<a class="arrow back"><</a><a class="arrow forward">></a>');
// 5. Bind to the forward and back buttons
$('a.back', this).click(function () {
return gotoPage(currentPage - 1);
$('a.forward', this).click(function () {
return gotoPage(currentPage + 1);
// create a public interface to move to a specific page
$(this).bind('goto', function (event, page) {
$(document).ready(function () {
Do I just replace all the '$' with 'jQuery'? Even in the return this.each(function() { ..., etc? All I have done is added the noConflict line to the end of my jQuery library in order to enable it. (I'm running Magento so it has conflicts with prototype, etc.)
Thanks in advance!