Assuming an over-simplified FORTRAN code compiled with mpif90 as:
program main
use mpi
implicit none
integer:: j, numtasks, taskid, ierr
integer:: master = 0
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, taskid, ierr)
if (taskid .eq. master) then
j = 5
call child (j)
! do stuff
end if
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program main
subroutine child(j)
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: j
! do some stuff with j
end subroutine child
By default, the master CPU from the main waits until the child is done with its calculations. However, I want it to continue its tasks after calling the child, while the child is also doing its tasks. I would like the child to be a subroutine for the main since I need to pass some data from the main to the child (but not vice versa). I was wondering to know if this is possible in FORTRAN (maybe by using some kind of non-blocking subroutine call or multi-threading such as mpi_comm_spawn).
I would use a POSIX thread for this. Maybe also an OpenMP task, but my experience with them is limited. I will assume you do not call any MPI procedures in the child
With a simple interface in C
#include <pthread.h>
void pthread_create_opaque(pthread_t *threadptr, void *procptr, void *dataptr, int *err){
// creates a new thread using an opaque pointer to the pthread_t structure
*err = pthread_create(threadptr, NULL, procptr, dataptr);
void pthread_join_opaque(pthread_t *threadptr, int *err) {
// joines a thread using an opaque pointer to the pthread_t structure
*err = pthread_join(*threadptr, NULL);
and in Fortran
module Pthreads
implicit none
subroutine pthread_create_opaque(threadptr, procptr, dataptr, err) bind(C,name="pthread_create_opaque")
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr) :: threadptr
type(c_funptr),value :: procptr
type(c_ptr),value :: dataptr
integer(c_int),intent(out) :: err
end subroutine
subroutine pthread_join_opaque(thread, err) bind(C,name="pthread_join_opaque")
use iso_c_binding
type(c_ptr),value :: thread
integer(c_int),intent(out) :: err
end subroutine
end interface
end module Pthreads
you can call a child if it is C interoperable
subroutine child(j) bind(C)
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: j
! do some stuff with j
end subroutine child
simply as
type(c_ptr) :: thread
integer :: err
call pthread_create_opaque(thread, c_funloc(join), loc(j), err)
and later at some convenient place (before program end or wherever) wait for it to finish its work
call pthread_join_opaque(thread, err)
I use this successfully in an MPI parallel program for asynchronous output of time-step data.