I am having an issue that can be reduced to the following problem: When the result of a query is one value, sel / $
returns a number, when it is more than one value, it is a sequence:
(with-data (to-dataset [[1 2] [3 4]])
($ :col-1))
yields (2 4), but
(with-data (to-dataset [[1 2]])
($ :col-1))
yields 2.
I would like it to be a sequence at all times, since I want to e. g. apply + to the sequence. I want to avoid checking for the type using (seq?). Any ideas? Is this behaviour of Incanter reasonable?
This is my workaround:
(let [seq-it (fn [a] (if (seq? a) a (list a)))]
(with-data (to-dataset [[1 2]])
(->> ($ :col-1)
which yields (2).