I have a template presentation on powerpoint. I would like to replace automatically generic placeholders with the value I input in an linked excel worksheet.
I started looking at VBA at the begining of the week, I am not really yet familiar with the syntax, but I am optimistic I will find a way to understand it.
I have put "[ ]" everywhere I want a value input:
the excel sheet present itself like this:
I would like to have some pointers (first, to know if it is indeed possible in powerpoint) to get me started in the right direction.
Does it need to be a PublicSub()? Am I writing the macro on Powerpoint or in Excel?
Can I use a fonction similar to LookupV to get the values to replace the placeholders?
I would imagine something like :
(side question : can I use regex inside of VBA?)
for each "\[.\]" '(or characterString.startsWith("[")
lookup characterString in excel, return column 3
end each
Would this be possible?
Thank you in advance, I really appreciate the help.