Ive seen alot of solutions here on Stack but none seem to work for me, so im trying to write it based upon what im seeing others do.
Im able to count the columns and start the new row, but the problem is, since im doing this in a foreach (getting data from DB) it will now place each entry from DB 4 times->close the row; start a new row->and show the second entry from DB 4 times->close the row; start a new row->and shows the third entry from DB 4 times, and so on... (my code is on the bottom of this post)
So, right now this code displaying items like:
col-md3(item1) | col-md3(item1) | col-md3(item1) | col-md3(item1)
col-md3(item2) | col-md3(item2) | col-md3(item2) | col-md3(item2)
however, i want it to display like:
col-md3(item1) | col-md3(item2) | col-md3(item3) | col-md3(item4)
col-md3(item5) | col-md3(item6) | col-md3(item7) | col-md3(item8)
.... | ... | .... | ....
My code right now :
foreach($data as $row) {
echo '<div class="row">';
for ($i=0; $i<4;$i++){
if ($i%4 == 0 && $i != 0){
echo '</div><div class="row">';
echo '<div class="col-md-3">';
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<a href="#"><img class="img-responsive" src="img/product/<?php echo $row[thumbimage]; ?>" alt="" /></a>
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<div class="product-details">
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echo '</div><br />';