I am setting up an integration tests build where I am just trying to start up a windows service.
I have used the InvokeProcess command to run the powershell scripts which just does the following
Start-Service ServiceName
The script fails when I run the build process but when I executed the same script outside TFS it works. I get the following error in TFS logs
Start-Service : Service 'ServiceName (ServiceName)' cannot be started due to the following error: Cannot open ServiceName service on computer '.'.
Then I tried changing the way I am starting the service and used SC.exe with parameters "Start ServiceName" in the InvokeProcess and I get Access Denied error in TFS as follows:-
SC start ServiceName. [SC] StartService: OpenService FAILED 5: Access is denied.
I am using Network Service account to run the build.
After searching a while, I have come to the conclusion that I have to run the InvokeProcess with elevated privileges but I don't know how would I do that with in TFS.
Any help is much appreciated.