Fitted values in R forecast missing date / time co

2019-08-14 03:11发布


I've been doing a variety of models in R with time series data (in XTS format) and I keep running into the same issue where there's no date / time component to the fitted values / forecasts and thus I can't graph them on the same graph as the original data.

Using the following code, from everything I see online I SHOULD get two line graphs on the same graph. However, I just get the original graph from the plot command and the second line never appears.

model_a1 <- auto.arima(GED$Mfg.Shipments.Total..USA.)
lines(fitted(model_a1), col = 2)

If I plot just the residuals:


I get a graph, but instead of having the date / time, it just says "Index" with a range of 0 - 1,2000 on the x-axis.

Any ideas as to what's causing this? I can't find anything on why an XTS time series would result in residuals with no date / time component. Also, I tried to post images but apparently there's a silly rule where if you don't post at least 10 times, you can't post images to further explain your problem.....

An ‘xts’ object on 2018-01-01/2115-12-01 containing: 
Data: num [1:1176, 1:472] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... 
  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 
        ..$ : NULL
        ..$ : chr [1:472] "SRPM..USA." "WTI" "CU..Argentina." "CU..Australia."  
... Indexed by objects of class: [Date] TZ: UTC 
   xts Attributes: NULL


Do not use the dates in your plot, use a numeric sequence as x axis. You can use the dates as labels. Try something like this:

model_a1 <- auto.arima(y)
lines(fitted(model_a1), col = 2)

The result depending on your data will be something similar: