I want to return all the rows in a table that are within 5 mins of each other.
The Example Table:
The KillTime
is what we are querying for the within 5 mins
I have tried to do this by JOINs
time but i do not seem to be able to quite get there.
DATEADD is an option, but it gets a little complicated. A better option is to use DATEDIFF:
--Test Setup:
DECLARE @sourceTable AS TABLE (KillID int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), KillTime datetime2(7) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO @sourceTable (KillTime)
('2016/02/02 10:01'),
('2016/02/02 10:05'),
('2016/02/02 10:09'),
('2016/02/02 10:30')
FROM @sourceTable AS ST1
INNER JOIN @sourceTable AS ST2
ON ST2.KillID < ST1.KillID --Only the smaller IDs so we do not get self joins or duplicates (1 to 2 and 2 to 1).
AND DATEDIFF(second, ST2.KillTime, ST1.KillTime) BETWEEN -300 AND 300; --300 seconds is 5 minutes
Use seconds instead of minutes to reduce rounding/truncating issues.
You should join table with itself and in ON clause
datediff(minute, tbl1.KillTime, tbl2.KillTime) = 5 and tbl2.KillID > tbl1.KillID (or between 1 and 5 or whatever condition you need)