
Add System Tray and Active Workbech Shell referenc

2019-08-14 02:39发布


I am new in E4 application development. I add System tray icon in RCP 3.7.x successfully. to add a system tray icon in e4 application. I am using the e4 application life cycle to add a system tray icon in this way:

public class LifeCycleManager {
    void postContextCreate(IApplicationContext appContext, Display display) {
    SystemNotifier icon= new SystemNotifier(shell);
    SystemNotifier.trayItem = icon.initTaskItem(shell);
    if (SystemNotifier.trayItem != null) {      


How to get reference of Active Workbench Shell in e4 application. Which annotation use of e4 application life cycle to add System Tray


The application shell is not available when @PostContextCreate runs. You need to wait for the application startup complete event, something like:

void postContextCreate(IEclipseContext context, IEventBroker eventBroker)
  eventBroker.subscribe(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE, new AppStartupCompleteEventHandler(eventBroker, context));

private static final class AppStartupCompleteEventHandler implements EventHandler
  private final IEventBroker _eventBroker;
  private final IEclipseContext _context;

  AppStartupCompleteEventHandler(IEventBroker eventBroker, IEclipseContext context)
    _eventBroker = eventBroker;
    _context = context;

  public void handleEvent(final Event event)

    Shell shell = (Shell)_context.get(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_SHELL);

    ... your code ...
