I'm currently running into a problem where the JSON that I am getting back has fields that are null.
In the code below, I've figured out that most of the fields have an assignee, and down another level assignees have a displayName. I've also found out that some things do not have an assignee. When that happens (and this would probably happen with other fields too, I'm just using this as an example) it removes that additional heirarchy level, and the actual path (also shown below) would be changed.
Is there an easy way to iterate over this response, and set nulls to blanks maybe?
Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(MyRequest.ResponseText)
That doesn't really help me with automation though. Notice [below] where I list components twice, because I don't know how to loop through that data and pull back the field as many times as it needs to be populated. Aka I know there are two components, but it only brings back one component, so I had to copy that code to get it to work correctly (I'm sorry for copying).
Code Snip
My code works great until it hits a null, then it throws an error.
' Loop '
For i = 0 To 40
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 1) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("issuetype")("name")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 2) = Json("issues")(i)("key")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 3) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("summary")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 4) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("status")("name")
ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 5) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("assignee")
ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 5) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("assignee")("displayName")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 6) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("customfield_13301")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 7) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("components")(1)("name")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 8) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("components")(2)("name")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 9) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("customfield_13300")
' ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 10) = Json("issues")(i + 1)("fields")("customfield_10002")
Next i
Ovbiously I had to delete some content for privacy reasons, but that shows the assignee as null. JSON with a, "displayName" just turns that null into an Array and has more fields under it.
"expand": "schema,names",
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 50,
"total": 52,
"issues": [
"expand": "operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields",
"id": "92110",
"self": "",
"key": "",
"fields": {
"customfield_13100": null,
"fixVersions": [],
"customfield_13500": null,
"customfield_11200": null,
"resolution": null,
"customfield_13502": null,
"customfield_13501": null,
"lastViewed": null,
"customfield_12000": null,
"customfield_12002": null,
"customfield_12001": null,
"priority": {},
"customfield_10100": null,
"customfield_10101": null,
"customfield_12003": null,
"customfield_12402": null,
"labels": [],
"customfield_11303": null,
"customfield_11305": null,
"customfield_11306": null,
"aggregatetimeoriginalestimate": null,
"timeestimate": null,
"versions": [],
"issuelinks": [],
"assignee": null,
"status": {},
"components": [],
"customfield_13200": null,
"customfield_13600": null,
"customfield_12900": null,
"aggregatetimeestimate": null,
"creator": {},
"customfield_14000": null,
"subtasks": [],
"customfield_14400": null,
"reporter": {},
"customfield_12101": null,
"customfield_12100": null,
"aggregateprogress": {},
"customfield_14401": null,
"customfield_14402": null,
"customfield_12500": null,
"customfield_13702": null,
"customfield_13704": null,
"customfield_13703": null,
"customfield_11802": null,
"progress": {},
"votes": {},
"issuetype": {},
"timespent": null,
"project": {},
"customfield_13300": null,
"aggregatetimespent": null,
"customfield_13302": null,
"customfield_13301": null,
"customfield_13700": null,
"customfield_11400": null,
"resolutiondate": null,
"workratio": -1,
"watches": {},
"created": "2017-07-21T08:04:42.000-0500",
"customfield_14102": null,
"customfield_10020": null,
"customfield_12200": null,
"customfield_14100": null,
"customfield_14101": null,
"customfield_12600": null,
"customfield_14500": null,
"customfield_10300": null,
"customfield_10016": null,
"customfield_13405": null,
"customfield_10017": null,
"customfield_13800": null,
"customfield_10018": null,
"customfield_10019": null,
"customfield_13409": null,
"updated": "2017-08-10T15:29:37.000-0500",
"timeoriginalestimate": null,
"description": null,
"customfield_10011": null,
"customfield_10012": null,
"customfield_13401": null,
"customfield_13400": null,
"customfield_10013": null,
"customfield_10014": null,
"customfield_11500": "{}",
"customfield_10015": null,
"customfield_13514": null,
"summary": "",
"customfield_14200": null,
"customfield_10000": null,
"customfield_13511": null,
"customfield_12301": null,
"customfield_10001": null,
"customfield_12300": null,
"customfield_10002": "1|i021pe:5z",
"customfield_13510": null,
"customfield_13513": null,
"customfield_10003": [],
"customfield_12302": null,
"customfield_10004": null,
"customfield_13504": null,
"customfield_13503": null,
"customfield_11600": null,
"customfield_13506": null,
"environment": null,
"customfield_13901": null,
"customfield_13505": null,
"customfield_13508": null,
"duedate": null,
"customfield_13509": null
Additional Data
I looked at the Raw file just to see if anything looked different (than it did in my JSON Formater Plugin for Chrome) and this is what it looked like: